I love color - Youth's painting competition
Past event
LOVE AIJING: AI Jing's love
Itinerant exhibition of Chinese art exhibition in Shanghai
And the "I love colors - Youth's painting competition" excellent works exhibition
"LOVE AIJING: AI Jing's love" Ai Jing art exhibition opens in Shanghai China art Palace on May 25, the exhibition: May 25, 2014 - June 29, 2014. Exhibition lasted over a month, a total of 4 kinds of public activities, first public event for May 31 in Ai Jing's exhibition is "I Love Colors: Youth's painting competition" exhibition of excellent works for a period of one week. Opening day of the event, some genius such as my mother and I, the vases, the flying fish, and the Lamb mother love, happiness and other authors from parents to choose to come to Ai Jing Chinese art Palace Gallery, Shanghai China art Palace Secretary Li shengsu prodigy also came to the exhibition.
"Little genius's painting competition" Sohu's work has been a strong support culture and Life Style, and Sohu culture collection was set up for this activity in the cultural channel landing page-and the Life Style also in the form of micro and micro-blogging services widelysolicit children work. Powerful driving force for this solicitation was the people's fine arts Publishing House, the strong support of theEditorial Department of the ART&KIDS series. Judges including artist Ai Jing, and China National Museum deputy curator Chen born, and people art press President Wang Jiaming, and China women children Museum deputy curator Yang Yuan, and China artists Association children art art Board will Director He Yunlan, and China contemporary famous artist Huang Chih yang, and artist Liu Baoliang, and Tsinghua University Art College painting Department Associate Professor Li tianyuan, and people art press Director edit Yin Ran nine bit expert composition of review mission for children were paintings of review work pour has and the big of enthusiasm and valuable of time.
Collection time limit in a months within, is collection to has country thousands of site works, children were of works theme rich, full imagination and bold of color performance, using has including gouache, and watercolor, and painting, and crayons painting, and painting, and spell posted, variety material using, they with color and love as theme is has variety of expression, bee eye in the of spent, and space adventure, and pond Moonlight etc, from topics can wants to see children were inside imagination of vast and sincere, which a site 8 even painting tree and bird Is using larger images show the same subject, forming a series of unique works, that participate in the selection of 9 artists and professionals to marvel at.
Higher numbers because of the collection's works, the judges also made second screening, there have been works damaged during the mailing process and timely communication with parents of children were fully aware of the great value of their works, said Ai Jing afterthat whether it ultimately WINS in Shanghai, China on display in the Palace of fine arts, are properly repaired and returned into the hands of children.
Ai Jing's latest creation of easel painting in the series I LOVE COLOR works, Ai Jing found that the freedom of the children of their own, is always the most precious creative vitality. She stumbled upon her nephew, an eight-year-olds demonstrated in the casual natureof painting inspired by affection can't wait to sign his name, she discovered the children's paintings are so creative and impressive.
In the "LOVE" symbol showing a painting, is AI Jing in easel works in over a year of attempts, she wants ideas language and skills,increase the concept language of painting. In various vibrant use of color on the screen, revealing the accumulation of time, display of AI Jing as a musical rhythm. That Ai Jing achieved a lot, and further discover their own talents and instincts, bravery and pointless like achild, like a child to love new things and use imagination, that is the most valuable experience.
"Each a a children are is genius, in they grew up zhiqian we to found they"; this is AI Jing do for sponsors by advocate of a sentence slogan, she believes Dang we are is children of when are has many talent can release and waiting excavations, but Dang we gradually grew up has, many courage in gradually of disappeared, was years kill, variable of began fear, Ai Jing think help has children were is help himself, she believes each a bit artist are should retained this copies children like nature, brave fearless to to created, firm of go down.
Exhibition poster.
Exhibition view.
Exhibition view.
Exhibition view.
Some participants of Ai Jing's exhibition and drawing competition.
Ai Jing in "I love colors"----the little genius's painting competition exhibition scene with two youths painter.
Activities for the drawing competition.
Excellent works
"Mom and I" by Yuan Shengxi, 7 years old.
"The family" by Sang Even, 8 years old.
"The Moonlight" by Wang Yicheng, 5 years old.
"The Flying Fish" by Han Chang, 5 years old.
"The Horse who has everything" by Guo Yantong, 5years old.
"L'Usine chimique du futur" by Chen Xinyang, 8 years old.
"Beauty of the peach blossoms" by Le Qu, 6 years old
"Les sept fleurs" by Chang Jiu, 9 years old
"The lamb - a mother's love" by Chen Yanran, 8 years old.
"The Vase" by Song Yixuan, 6 years old.
"The trees and birds" by Pei, 9 years old.
"The Road toward Art" Li Tiehan, 1 year old